Onsite at the historic Mechanics’ Institute in San Francisco
Storytelling Showcase with Kate Farrell and Guests
A special evening of storytelling!
Wednesday, June 26, 2024 – 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm
4th Floor Meeting Room
THEME: Off The Map! Extraordinary Stories from Here and There
This culminating event featured storytellers who developed new stories from Kate’s Farrell’s multi-session workshop “Weaving Community Through Storytelling.”
Watch the show here: https://www.youtube.com/live/-AUUV9imUEs
San Francisco Public Library
Personal, ageless, inclusive, the art of storytelling is for everyone. If you are a parent, grandparent, teacher, librarian, author, or speaker, this workshop is for you. With step- by-step coaching, you’ll find your own storytelling style for personal or professional use. All it requires is your authentic voice and a love of stories.
ALL WORKSHOPS: SATURDAYS, 2:00 – 3:30 PM | FREE and Open to the Public
As we journey along well-worn tourist paths or to far flung destinations, we are eyewitnesses. If we gather not only photos and mementos, but chronicle our adventures with well-told stories, we can entertain our listeners.
The years of early childhood, the first flickers of memory, are precious. Where did it all start? To get a sense of yourself and your own life story, take some time to reflect.
Life offers many challenges—not all are the same size or type. Whatever a particular challenge meant to you, you faced it down, and became the wiser.
Defining stories are at the heart of self-discovery. They have the power to express our unique identity to others. Circumstances bring out the best and worst in us, but more importantly, they expose our true nature.
Family stories matter. They directly impact how we see ourselves because they give us an idea of where we come from and where we’re going.
Enjoy the talent and amazing stories of the workshop storytellers! Each teller will have five minutes to share his or her favorite story created in the West Portal series.
Each workshop is based on a chapter from Kate’s how-to book on storytelling, Story Power: Secrets to Creating, Crafting, and Telling Memorable Stories. To learn more about Kate’s techniques, borrow the book from SFPL or purchase from Bookshop West Portal.
Sponsored and supported by West Portal Branch Adult Librarian, Silvia Lew.
The Heroine’s Journey: A Template for Writers
March 21, 2024 Thursday
Noon – 1:00 pm /PDT Virtual Event with
WNBA – San Francisco Chapter
$10 for members, $20 for non-members
Kate Farrell will discuss the basic elements of the heroine’s journey and compare the Hero’s Journey models of Joseph Campbell and filmmaker Christopher Vogler to the Heroine’s Journey of Carl Jung, Marie-Louise Von Franz, Clarissa Pinkola Estes.
Learning the Heroine’s Journey in Her Suppressed History and Yours in a Writing Circle with authors Kate Farrell and Mary Mackey
Celebrate Women’s History Month: March 16th, 1 – 5 PM
Your Heroine’s Journey: Ageless and Heroic
A Multi-Generational Writing Seminar
With Mary Mackey and Kate Farrell
Saturday, March 16, 2024 | 1:00 – 5:00 pm /PDT
Location: North Berkeley
We will learn from one another and write our journeys, inspired by literature of the long ago matriarchal cultures told in folklore and in re-imagined, meticulously researched historical fiction.
Winter Retreat in Cozy Victorian Home, Suisun City, CA
Co-presented by Woven founder Kate Farrell and Story Through Stone founder Cyndera Quackenbush who is our generous hostess.
Our craftsman estate is within walking distance from the train and an hour’s drive from San Francisco. Featuring an Inglenook around the fireplace for group sharing, spacious living and dining rooms with original stained glass windows, it is a welcoming, historic space.
Wine & Book Tasting with special author signings
Friday, February 16th, 2024 from 7:30-9:30 pm
The Hyatt Regency San Francisco on Embarcadero
All ages welcome!
Join us in celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the San Francisco Writers Conference! Kate Farrell will be present with STORY POWER.
Pathways to Self-Love in Real Life and Fairy Tales
Join Life Coach Karen C.L. Anderson and Storyteller Kate Farrell, Tuesday, February 13, 2024
3:00 – 4:30 pm / PST | 6:00 – 7:30 pm / EST
In this special conversation, Kate and Karen will weave together their respective areas of expertise: How age-old fairy tales reveal patterns in the heroine’s journey and how having a difficult or troubled relationship with a mother impacts the real life journey of her adult daughter. All daughters go through passages in maturing, but the experiences an adult daughter goes through when she has a difficult mother can be more challenging. What happens when the stages of her heroine’s journey has no loving mother?
Journaling the Heroine’s Journey
A Writing Workshop
Instructor: Kate Farrell
Class Term: 01/09/2024 – 01/30/2024 | 4 Tuesdays, 2-hour online sessions
10:00am – Noon PT/ Noon – 2:00 pm /CT
Tuition/Fees: SCN Member: $125, Non-Member: $165
Tired of the hero’s journey? Tap into age-old, foundational myths and fairy tales of the heroine’s journey and explore their current meanings. Discover how their benchmarks relate to major challenges in your life story through journaling.
Journaling the Heroine’s Journey
Six-Week Online Course
October 25, 2023 – December 12, 2023
1:00 pm PT/ 2:00 pm MT/ 3:00 pm CT/ 4:00 pm ET
Location: Online, Zoom & Wet Ink
Explore the Heroine’s Journey! Tapping into the primal, oral tradition of feminine folk and fairy tales, we’ll translate its archaic challenges into those facing modern women and in your own life. With prompts and writing exercises, we’ll discover how to use both the narrative arc of the heroine’s journey and its basic motifs, characters, and archetypes in our journaling and creative writing.
Mechanics Institute: Writing the Heroine’s Journey
With Kate Farrell
Location: Meeting Room, 4th floor, Mechanics’ Institute, 57 Post St., San Francisco
TWO-Session Workshop, On-site,
September 23, 2023, Saturday 11:00 – 2:00 pm
October 7, 2023, Saturday 11:00 am– 1:00 pm
Our culture is bombarded with tropes of the hero’s journey, yet ignores the heroine’s quest. In this interactive, two-session workshop we will explore the exceptional and unique challenges of the heroine’s journey found in ancient, feminine myths. You’ll learn how to use elements of the feminine quest in your journaling or creative writing for any genre—fiction, nonfiction, memoir, and more!

ONLINE 6pm – 7:30 pm /PT
Join us for this unique Open Mic event of traditional tales. This is NOT a storyslam, but an evening of stories to enjoy.
Six Feet Apart Productions!
Tri-Valley, California Writers Club, Monthly Meeting
Saturday, June 17th, 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Room 2470 at Las Positas College, Livermore
Storytelling: An Interactive Workshop for Authors
Take your storytelling from the page to the spoken word and enliven your talks, enhance your events, and create a shared experience with your listeners. The power of story immediately engages audiences through simple, traditional
Saturday, April 29th – 9:00 am – 6:00 pm/ PDT
Orinda Community Center
Orinda Community Park, Orinda Way, Orinda, CA, USA
The Bay Area Storytelling Festival
We are delighted to announce that the Bay Area Storytelling Festival is returning on Saturday, April 29th 2023. It is going to be an amazing day of fabulous stories, with opening and closing concerts, solo and joint performances, a workshop, a special showcase of youth performances, an AAPI showcase performance, and an Open Mic for anyone who wants to tell a quick story.
It is IN PERSON in Orinda, in the East Bay of California, but will also be live-streamed so you can watch virtually from your home.
Journaling the Heroine’s Journey
A Writing Workshop
Instructor: Kate Farrell
Class Term: 03/21/2023 – 04/11/2023 | 4 Tuesdays, 2-hour online sessions
10:00am – Noon PT/ Noon – 2:00 pm /CT
Tired of the hero’s journey? Tap into age-old, foundational myths and fairy tales of the heroine’s journey and explore their current meanings. Discover how their benchmarks relate to major challenges in your life story through journaling.

Saturday, March 18, 2-4 pm — FREE
West Portal Library 190 Lenox Way, San Francisco 94127
Personal, ageless, inclusive, the art of traditional storytelling is for everyone. If you are a parent, grandparent, teacher, librarian, author, or speaker, this class is for you.
In this interactive class you will learn basic storytelling techniques and discover your storytelling style. Includes handouts.
California School Library Association Conference
Storytelling in a World of Literacies
March 4, 2023 – 8:00 – 10:00 pm “Storytelling ‘Round the Campfire”
(Outdoor event, weather permitting)
Featuring the Slavic folktale, “Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Brave”
Asilomar Conference Center
Pacific Grove, CA

Saturday, February 25, 2023 – 11:00am to 1:00pm
Produced in collaboration with the
Women’s National Book Association, San Francisco chapter.
Tired of the hero’s journey? Explore the exceptional and unique challenges of the heroine’s journey as depicted in ancient, feminine myths and fairy tales. Learn how to use the heroine’s quest in your journaling or creative writing for any genre: fiction, nonfiction, memoir, and more!

Writing for Change Track:
How Spoken Word Art Enhances Public Speaking
A Storyteller and Poet Share Tips and Techniques – Kate Farrell, Dr. Andy Jones
Slightly Scary Stories (and some slightly not) with Six Feet Apart Productions
Thursday, October 27, 2022 – 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Join Mechanics’ Institute and Six Feet Apart Productions for an in person storytelling show perfect for getting in the Halloween spirit. This show will feature eight storytellers spinning both slightly scary traditional and personal tales.
Slightly Scary Storytellers:
Emcee and Teller: Claire Hennessy is a founder and co-producer of Six Feet Apart Productions, a British-born award-winning storyteller, podcaster (The Bonkers Brit) and author, one of the organizers of the in person/virtual Bay Area Storytelling Festival.
Emcee and Teller: Regina Stoops is a founder and co-producer of Six Feet Apart Productions, a writer, comedian and award winning storyteller, one of the organizers of the in person/virtual Bay Area Storytelling Festival.

Storytelling as a Gift
Saturday, September 24, 2022 – 11:00am to 1:00pm
On site: 4th Floor Meeting Room

Nonfiction Session: Two Views–One Nonfiction Book (Author Kate Farrell, Publisher Brenda Knight) Moderator: Matthew Félix Pacific FG
Matthew moderated a revealing conversation between Story Power‘s Kate Farrell and Brenda Knight, publisher and acquisition editor at Mango Media, about the nonfiction author/publisher and their ongoing, working relationship. Audio and video files will soon be available for purchase of this session and all the SFWC sessions.

This month will mark two years since the release of Story Power June 16, 2020!
Friday, June 10, 2022 * 1:00 – 2:00 pm /PT
Flour and Branch, Bakery and Gift Shop
493 – 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
I’d like to welcome local friends and acknowledge all who shared stories in the book in this new, neighborly cafe. Story Power will be on sale, discounted if you purchase a drink, snack, or gift at Flour and Branch. Share the power of personal storytelling while enjoying a cup of tea or cappuccino.
The Bay Area Storytelling Festival
Saturday April 16th – 9am-6pm
In person and virtual
Orinda Community Center, Orinda, CA
On Saturday, April 16th, the sun rose on a new chapter for the renowned Bay Area Storytelling Festival. The Story Continues as we once again gathered to hear, to tell, to laugh and to celebrate the rich tradition of storytelling. With five nationally known storytellers and the camaraderie of a community eager to gather once more, this was be a festival not to be missed.
For a clip of my storytelling in honor of my friend, Beatrice Bowles, click the link below:

Tell Your Story: Finding Your Voice in the Spoken Art of Storytelling
Instructor: Kate Farrell
Maximum Enrollment: 6.
Class Term: 03/15/2022 – 04/05/2022
4 Tuesdays, 90 min. online sessions via Zoom
10:00 – 11:30 am PT/ Noon – 1:30 pm CT
In this interactive, engaging workshop you’ll learn basic oral storytelling techniques and discover your storytelling style. Personal, ageless, inclusive, the art of traditional storytelling is for everyone—it develops confidence in speaking as well as writing and connects us all. Using prompts and exercises to create and craft true personal narratives, we will coach one another with constructive feedback to effectively tell your stories in any setting from public speaking to a family gathering.
Storytelling with “Story Power” Author Kate Farrell
January 14, 2022 by San Francisco Writers Conference
Podcast host Matthew Félix asked Kate about the importance of stories. He also asked about the history of oral storytelling, as well as the resurgence it has enjoyed since the 1970s. Kate explained the difference between telling a story orally and writing it down, highlighting the role that a live audience has as co-creator in the experience. Storytelling is not just for the stage, but also has practical, day-to-day applications, as illustrated by three types of stories: defining, signature, and personal branding. Watch on YouTube!
Holiday Storytelling
Heart Wisdom Panel hosted by Mango Publishing|
Wednesday, December 8th – 1:30 pm PST/ 4:30 pm EST
With Storytellers and Authors, Kate Farrell & Corey Rosen
During the pandemic, we all learned the importance of true connections and depth of relationships. One of the ways we experience these relational connections is by sharing stories. Our stories are a way we can be open, honest, vulnerable, scared, or joyful with others. Our stories help us feel the whole range of human emotions. Watch the replay HERE!
Thursday, November 18, 2021, 5:00 – 6:00 pm/ PST
Holiday Storytelling Fest – FREE Virtual Event!
All are welcome to the WNBA-SF Chapter’s virtual storytelling fest to celebrate the holidays as only book women writers can! Five brilliant, talented writers will share their personal stories of gratitude to bring us cheer during this wonderful season of thanksgiving and joy.
After our five presenters tell their true stories, we’ll open it up to our virtual audience—that’s you! We want to encourage the sharing of stories during the holidays with friends and family in the spirit of deep gratitude this year.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021
How to Super Age with Elise Marie Collins and
guest Kate Farrell, Storyteller
Hosted by Karen Hart with New Cleveland Radio
Wednesday, October 13th, 1:30 pm/ PDT
The Stories of Our Lives and Why They Matter
Hear storytelling experts – Corey Rosen & Kate Farrell – reflect deeper on life (its current state of things) and what really matters to each one of us now. They’ll also answer the question: “What role do stories play in how we see ourselves and how might we move forward into the next chapter of our lives with this knowledge?” Watch the replay HERE!
Saturday, October 16, 2021 – 10:00am to 11:30am
Mechanics Institute Class
What’s Your Heroic Archetype?
Discover your inner hero or heroine in a personal story by identifying its parallel archetype!
Kate Farrell, author of Story Power, will explore inclusive legends and myths that add dimension to your own life journey using simple prompts and exercises to stimulate your memories and imaginations. MI Members $10, Public $15
Tell Your Story: Finding Your Voice in the Spoken Art of Storytelling
Instructor: Kate Farrell
Class Term: 09/21/2021 – 10/12/2021
Class Synopsis: In this interactive, engaging workshop you’ll learn basic storytelling techniques and discover your storytelling style. Personal, ageless, inclusive, the art of traditional storytelling is for everyone—it develops confidence in speaking as well as writing and connects us all. Using prompts and exercises to create and craft true personal narratives, we will coach one another with constructive feedback to effectively tell your stories in any setting from public speaking to a family gathering.
More information: https://www.storycircle.org/

Insult to Injury: Stories about Wounds
Event by Better Said Than Done
On September 9, 2021, join emcee Jessica Robinson and storytellers Tim Ereneta, Kate Farrell, Erin Johnston, Vicki Juditz, Jude Treder-Wolff, and Nancy Wang for “Insult to Injury: Stories About Wounds.” Live streaming online starting at 8:00pm EDT on September 9th.

This episode is one of Haiti’s most popular folktales, the story of a young girl’s special friendship with a fish, the story of Tezen the Fish. It is an incredible story which talks about the symbiotic relationship between nature and humans and that we need to respect nature. The girl understands and develops a relationship with the earth and is appreciated, recognized as a worthy girl, and rewarded. We also talk about the prejudice against girls by dismissing or discounting their ideas and thoughts and prejudice against cultural differences, lifestyles, race, etc which can be passed down to generations just like folktales.

The author, Laura McHale Holland, will tell two stories from the collection. Joining me will be Ruth Stotter, Kate Farrell, and Mandy Hanes, who will spin tales from their repertoires that they imagine Aunt Truly would tell.

KSVY 91.3 FM, Sonoma Valley Community Radio: http://ksvy.org/
The show will air Thursday, May 6th, 3 – 4 PM, PDT.

YT: https://youtu.be/
Podcast: https://guidedgoals.libsyn.com/conversation-on-blogging-with-mike-allton-kate-farrell-dave-watson
Virtual Event by Mango Publishing
The Power of Story
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
1:30 PM PDT – 2:30 PM PDT
Price: FREE
During this pandemic, people need all the support they can get. Mango Publishing wants to share the wisdom of its authors. This week is about “The Power of Story.” Our magnificent group will learn where stories come from and how they are made even greater with the narratives we add.
Six Feet Apart First year Anniversary Show
March 29, 2021
Help us celebrate our first year of storytelling magic and mayhem
Join co-producers Claire Hennessy and Regina Stoops along with our fabulous guests for the evening:
Sheila Arnold + Simon Brooks + Mary Carouba + Kate Farrell + Diane Ferlatte + JP Frary + Bil Lepp + Jessica Robinson + Cory Rosen + Brandon Spars + Kirk Waller
March 12, 2021: WNBA-SF Chapter / Mango Publishing Author Panel
Noon – 1:00 pm PST – Lunch ‘n Learn
Where Do Writers Get Their Ideas?
Join five published authors as they demystify what often appears as an inexplicable black box. They will share how and where they find the inspiration for their writing, ranging from lucid dreams, people watching, historical events, and more. Bring your questions about writers’ sources of inspiration for them to answer at the end of the session.
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
6:30 – 8:00 pm PST
“Storytelling for the Armchair Traveler”with Kate Farrell, Lisa Alpine, and Mary Mackey (Lisa and Mary are in Story Power, sharing exciting and hilarious adventure travel stories) Learn to share your adventures with friends and family through well-crafted stories, better than a slide show. Interactive session, with prompts, writing, and storytelling. FREE. Lisa Alpine, her timely posts: https://lisaalpine.com/
Mary Mackey, more about Mary at: https://marymackey.com/
Thursday, February 18, 2021
6:30 – 8:00 pm PST
“Family Storytelling” with Kate Farrell, Waights Taylor, Jr., and Bev Scott. Waights and Bev are in Story Power, sharing family stories). Family folklore, legacy stories, the Patchwork quilt. Learn to share your family stories with friends and family through well-crafted stories. Interactive session, with prompts, writing, and storytelling. Bev Scott www.bevscott.com Waights Taylor Jr. http://www.mccaabooks.com/
Wednesday, Dec. 9th, 6:00 – 7:00 pm PST
WNBA-SF Chapter Holiday Storytelling Fest!
FREE – Bring your own drinks and snacks
Join WNBA-SF Chapter in a virtual storytelling fest to celebrate the holidays as only book women can! We will share jolly, charming personal stories to make up for live holiday parties and family gatherings. We have invited contributors to Story Power who are also WNBA members as presenters in an informal, roundtable sharing of stories.

Saturday, December 5th
Six FeetApart Productions

Join me for a Conversation with Melisa Caprio!

There is real power in storytelling, and when we come together around shared love, loss, laughter, joy and vulnerability, we build connection, create inspiration, and come together in community. Every Monday and Thursday, we’re sharing your stories, in your words. We all have a story to share and a voice that is meant to be heard, and we want to share yours.
Talk Show Interview: Kate Farrell and Story Power
The World of Work with Shep Cohen
September 25, Friday, 4 – 5 pm EDT/ 1 – 2 pm PDT
WDVR FM, New Jersey
Live Streaming worldwide: www.wdvrfm.org
Shep Cohen’s interviews with people from all walks of life–workers, authors, entrepreneurs, business owners, organizers, clergy, celebrities…people with big jobs and small–help us get to know what it’s like to walk in another’s shoes. For 20 years now, Shep has been bringing us the voices of people like you and me, people who try to make a difference in this world however they can.

KSVY 91.3 FM, Sonoma Valley Community Radio: http://ksvy.org/
The show will air Thursday, Sept. 17th, 3 – 4 PM, PDT.

Mango Publishing AUTHOR PANEL:

A Virtual Workshop in the Art of Storytelling with Kate Farrell
Mechanics Institute, produced In partnership with the San Francisco Writers Conference. This event will take place via Zoom.
Kate Farrell, author of Story Power, discusses the radical change in storytelling along with contributors to the book who will model their stories.
SherylBize-Boutte will share folktales from her Creole relatives’ storytelling and how it helped to inform her writing. Claire Hennessy will discuss the movement in storytelling to bring traditional and personal narrative closer together, and will tell a personal story that echoes a traditional tale.

11 AM PDT | 12 PM MDT | 1 PM CDT | 2 PM EDT
Storytelling Techniques for Memoir
National Association of Memoir Writers with Linda Joy Myers
NAMW Teleseminars feature leaders within the memoir writing community.
In your memoir, you are both the teller and a character in your life story. We will discuss and demonstrate storytelling strategies to frame narrative scenes and infuse your work with a compelling voice.
August 5, Wednesday, 7 pm EDT/6 pm CDT/4 pm PDT
Storytelling Workshop and Roundtable Sharing:
STORIES of the PANDEMIC with Kate Farrell (WNBA-SF)
Along with two other San Francisco chapter members, Joan Gelfand and Bev Scott, Kate Farrell (Past President, WNBA-SF) will discuss the vital role that WNBA played in the recent publication of her book Story Power, share storytelling techniques, and model a “Story of the Pandemic.” Kate will then open up the workshop to all attendees who wish to tell a three-minute story about an experience during this extraordinary time.

FREE YouTube LiveStream, Ongoing!

Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 12 pm (Pacific Time)
This is a special Zoom seminar for members of Nonfiction Writers University.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
7:30 PM – 8:30 PM PDT
Sunday Night Stories – StorySlam Special
To attend, please register for the event with a donation of any amount, from a dollar upwards. We will donate a percentage of all proceeds to the National Storytelling Network.
Sunday, February 16, 2020, 10:15 – 11:15 am
Story Power: From Traditional Folklore to Personal Narratives
Hyatt Regency Embarcadero, Pacific Level
San Francisco Writers Conference
Sunday, January 12, 2020—FREE
2:00 – 4:00 pm, West Portal Branch Library
190 Lenox Way, San Francisco, CA 94127
San Francisco Public Library Presents:
What’s Your Story? Become An Unforgettable Storyteller!
How to create, frame, and tell memorable stories for every occasion.

Saturday, October 19, 2019
8:00 – 9:00 pm – LitCrawl!
“Two Truths & A Lie: Family Secrets Edition”
with Belize Writers Conference
Mission Yoga, 2390 Mission St #200,
San Francisco, CA 94110
What’s Your Story? Become an Unforgettable Storyteller
How to create, frame, and tell memorable stories for every occasion
Presented by Kate Farrell, author, librarian, storyteller, and founder of the Word Weaving Storytelling Project
6:00 – 8:00 pm, Holder’s Country Inn, San Jose, CA
The New Age of Fire: Storytelling & Public Speaking
California Writers Club, South Bay Branch

Sunday, July 14th – 1:30 – 3:30 pm, FREE!
North Beach Branch, Meeting Room
San Francisco Public Library
850 Columbus Ave., San Francisco, CA 94133
What’s Your Story? Become an Unforgettable Storyteller
How to create, frame, and tell memorable stories for every occasion
Wednesday, March 13, 2019, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Napa Valley Unitarian Universalists Church Sanctuary
Storytelling: An Interactive Workshop
California Writers Club, Napa Valley Writers
July 22, 2018, 4:00 pm, Book Passage at Corte Madera
Readings from Connections, edited by Marlene Cullen
February 16, 2018, San Francisco Writers Conference
FICTION: Storytelling is the Heart of Your Tale
June 17, 2017, Tri-Valley Writers, California Writers Club Branch
Four Points by Sheraton, Pleasanton, CA
Storytelling Techniques Workshop, Speaker